Definition für cannabis indica

What's the difference between sativa, indica, and hybrid cannabis strains?

Cannabis | Definition of Cannabis by Merriam-Webster Cannabis definition is - a tall Asian herb (Cannabis sativa of the family Cannabaceae, the hemp family) that has a tough fiber and is often separated into a tall loosely branched species (C. sativa) and a low-growing densely branched species (C. indica) : hemp —used especially for cultivated varieties having high levels of THC. Cannabis indica | Article about Cannabis indica by The Free cannabis: see hemp hemp, common name for a tall annual herb (Cannabis sativa) of the family Cannabinaceae, native to Asia but now widespread because of its formerly large-scale cultivation for the bast fiber (also called hemp) and for the drugs it yields. Sativa vs. Indica – Unterschiede der Cannabis-Typen | It’s me Junior Gong!

Hybrid Sorten sind eine Kombination aus Sativa und Indica Sorten und wurden gezüchtet, um Eigenschaften zu kombinieren. Es gibt keine allgemein gültige Liste der medizinischen Eigenschaften für hybridisierte Cannabis Sorten, da sie buchstäblich gezüchtet wurden, um eine breite Palette von Wirkungen zu umfassen, die sich von Sorte zu Sorte unterscheiden.

Cannabis, often smoked, is used for recreational or medical purposes. Cannabis indica - Wikipedia Cannabis indica is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family. It is a putative species of the genus Cannabis. Whether it and Cannabis sativa are truly separate species is a matter of debate.

Definition für cannabis indica

Definition of Cannabis indica in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of Cannabis indica with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of Cannabis indica and it's 

Definition für cannabis indica

Wissenschaftlich (und rechtlich) gesehen gibt es zwischen indica und sativa keinen Unterschied. Bei allen Cannabispflanzen handelt es sich um Cannabis sativa L.. In der Praxis sind die Unterschiede zwischen indica sorten und sativa sorten allerdings zahlreich und vielseitig. Generell werden die Cannabis: Definition und Wirkung - CCM Gesundheit Cannabis gehört zu den in Deutschland am häufigsten konsumierten Drogen. Lesen Sie hier, wie es wirkt und welche Folgen der Konsum haben kann. Die Cannabis-Pflanze gehört zur botanischen Gattung der Hanfgewächse.

In 1785, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck published a description of a second species of Cannabis, which he named Cannabis (37 of 1355 words, 3 images) What is Indica?

Definition für cannabis indica

indica - Wiktionary 24.11.2019 · Most commonly grown strains of cannabis are sativa, indica, or a hybrid of the two.Sativas have long skinny leaves; indicas have short, fat, stubby leaves. Indica vs. Sativa: What is the Difference Between the Two? | Once you understand the definition of both Indica and Sativa you can begin to understand how each are used.

“The clinical effects of the cannabis  any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs. Die Pflanze Cannabis Indica, auch unter Indischer Hanf bekannt, entstammt der Gattung Hanf (Cannabis) und gehört zur Familie der Hanfgewächse.

Definition Of Indica | Key To Cannabis Cannabis plants of the indica variety grow short and bushy. Indica leaves are short, wide, and deeply serrated. Cannabis indica plants typically mature in 6 to 8 weeks. The effect of cannabis indica is typically described as a body high and is characterized by physical and mental relaxation, sleepiness, and often “the munchies.” Urban Dictionary: indica Indica is not slang for marijuana, but one of the three species of marijuana; Sativa, Indica, and Reduralis. Sativa is more of a skinny, tall, lanky, and less yielding plant that produces a mind high.

werden angegeben: Pflanze kleinwüchsiger, bis etwa 120 Zentimeter hoch, von mehr oder weniger konischer Wuchsform, dicht verzweigt, Achänen dunkel, durch erhalten bleibende Hülle außen hell gefleckt, durch ein besonderes Trenngewebe bei Reife von der Pflanze abfallend. Cannabis - DocCheck Flexikon Cannabis stammt von der Hanf-Pflanze (botanisch: Cannabis sativa und Cannabis indica). Die Bezeichnung "Haschisch" kommt aus dem Arabischen und bezeichnet dort "Gras".

Cannabis indica - source of e.g. bhang and hashish as well as fiber Indian hemp bhang - a preparation of the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant; Indica vs. sativa: What’s the difference between cannabis types? What's the difference between sativa, indica, and hybrid cannabis strains? This guide is meant to familiarize you with marijuana types and their commonly overlooked nuances. Definition Of Indica | Key To Cannabis Cannabis plants of the indica variety grow short and bushy. Indica leaves are short, wide, and deeply serrated.